Beyond Faith !

Beyond Faith !

5 janv. 2020

Florent V. GBEDO

“For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1: 8

Beloved ones, many people continue to believe wrongly that it is sufficient to come to Christianity, to display faith and go to church to go to Heaven. That is but a wrong perception of Heaven.

Indeed as mentioned in our reference verse, the Apostle Peter speaks of a number of things that need to be in us abundantly to lead us to the perfect knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ who is and remains the only gateway to Heaven. For us to see those seven things that are additions to faith and which are the indication thereof, you only need to read verses 5 to 7 of the same chapter. Here they go:

1- Goodness: It is defined as a firm and permanent state of the soul that leads people to either do good or evil; it is a quality that helps us to have a good behaviour in the midst of unbelievers so as to lead them to Christ.

2- Science or knowledge of God: It is impossible for anyone to know God without his word: daily reading, devotion, and meditation, bible study are as many things that should help us.

3- Self-Control: As one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, self-control is a quality that attenuates our passions and desires. It helps us to align with standards.

4- Perseverance: This is another component of the fruits of the Holy Spirit that makes us to wait for the time and the help of God even in the midst of trials;

5- Godliness: It is defined as the devotion and our love for Christian’s obligations and practices and it triggers in us love, respect, fear and priority for things of God.

6- Mutual affection: We must love one another, support one another as members of the same family.

7- Love: This is the “agape” love, the true and genuine love that we must show one another.

We must cultivate those seven qualities for us to grow in faith. That is why it is stated in the verse 11 that “and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved